绪言:澳门六合彩官网 “怎样回身又是一阵肉痛。” exploration /ˌekspləˈreɪʃn/ noun [C, U] 1 勘测;勘查;探索 the act of travelling through a place in order to find out about it or look for sth in it the exploration of space 对天下空间的探索 oil exploration (= searching for oil in the ground) 石油勘测 2 1月5日的首席经济学家论坛年会上,中金研究院董事总经理赵扬几句讲话迅速登上热搜:“全国农村的月均养老保险金,超过1000元的,只有北京和上海两个地方,其他基本都是月均不足200元。如果对这一部分作个提升,是不是能很大促进消费?” 根据中国地震台网速报目录,震中周边200公里内近14年来发生3级以上地震共144次,最大地震是2015年5月12日在尼泊尔发生的7.5级地震,按震级大小前50次历史地震分布如图。 讨论;参谋;探伤 an examination of sth in order to find out about it the book's explorations of the human mind 本书对东谈主类想维的参谋 exploitation /ˌeksplɔɪˈteɪʃn/ noun [U] 1 (disapproving) 克扣;榨取 a situation in which sb treats sb else in an unfair way, especially in order to make money from their work the exploitation of children 对儿童的克扣 2 诓骗;成立;开辟 the use of land, oil, minerals, etc. commercial exploitation of the mineral resources in Antarctica 南极洲矿物质源的生意开辟 3 (disapproving) (出于私利的)诓骗 the fact of using a situation in order to get an advantage for yourself exploitation of the situation for his own purposes 诓骗这种地点达到他我方的主义 Thanks for reading~澳门六合彩官网 |
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澳门六合彩官网 回身即肉痛: exploration 与 exploitation
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